Chapter Awards
Barbershopper of the Year
Every year we recognize one of our Brothers for exceptional service to the chapter. The BotY award goes to the member who has done the most for the chapter to-date and has not yet been honored.
2018 Brian Mastrull
2017 Ray Murphy
2016 Tom Befi
2015 Mike Heenehan
2014 Gary Holberg
2013 Jim Rohn
2012 Ed Wlazlowski
2011 Ken Albinson
2010 Adam Kaufman
2009 Don Abrams
2008 Dom Baysic
2007 Joe Larsen
2006 Garry Warlow
2005 John Russo
2004 Scott Clark
2003 Darrel Hill
Past Recipients
2002 Jim Hvidding
2001 Walt Griffith
2000 Jimmy Mastrull
1999 Alan Winkler
1998 Vern Blose
1997 George Steward
1996 Trever Williams
1995 Bob Lakey
1994 Bob Szabo
1993 Elwood Granacher
1992 Bob Jacoubek
1991 Terry Reagan
1990 Bob Kishbaugh
1989 Al Yost
1988 Larry Reagan
1987 Dick Kuster
1986 Darrel Hill
1985 Dick Taylor
1984 Don Cassidy
1983 Terry Reagan